Project of monitoring defines a monitoring program for each component of the environment in particular, adequate legal grounds related to procedures of sampling and monitoring, performance monitoring methods, locations of points for sampling, time of sampling and the length of sampling and duration of monitoring.

In the TPP "Nikola Tesla" in Obrenovac the following monitoring is carried out, the results of which, the company regularly submits to the competent authority for environmental protection:

• continuous measurement of emission of hazardous and dangerous substances in the air

• measurements of water quality (wastewater, cooling, surface and groundwater)

• measurement of soil quality

• noise measurement (during day and night)

• measurement of radioactivity in the living and working environment,

• waste monitoring.


Monitoring air quality in the surroundings of the TPP "Nikola Tesla" A and B are made in accordance with the Decree on conditions for monitoring and requirements for air quality (Official Gazette of RS br.11/2010) and the Decree on changes and on the conditions for monitoring and requirements of air quality (Official Gazette RS br.75/10).

The following is being performed :

1. Measurements of total sediment substances value at 18 measurement points surrounding ТPP. Sampling is performed once a month.

2. Measurement of sulfur dioxide concentration is performed at four points in the surroundings of TPP A and B. Samples are taken by eight-channel 24 hour sampler.The taking of samples is performed every 8 days.

Measurements are performed by authorized laboratories - externally, and they prepare monthly and annual reports. Air quality monitoring is done internally, as well, by a similar program in a larger number of measuring points.


External control of water is done by the program of monitoring the impact of waste waters of TPP "Nikola Tesla" A and B on surface and underground waters.

The following testings are performed:

1. Testings of the impact of waste waters from the ash disposal site, and other waters, on the recipient.

2. Testings of the impact of waste waters from the ash disposal site on the quality of underground waters.

3. Testings of quality of waters of country wells.

4. Testings of the efficiency of devices for treatment of sanitary waste waters

Sampling is done four times a year. On this occasion chemical-physical, microbiological and radiological analysis of samples are being performed.


Samplings and analasys are performed by authorized laboratories. Samples are taken once a year.

The following measurements are performed:

1. Gamma spectrometric analysis

2. Total α и β activity

3. Intensity of ambient dose of gammaradiation with simultaneous measurements in the air 1 m above the ground

4. Coal from the feeder, electrostatic precipitator ash and slag, ash from the disposal site, corps, soil and surface and waste waters are sampled.


The program of measuring the level of noise in the surroundings of " of TPP Nikola Tesla" is in accordance with the Law on the Protection of noise in the environment (Official Gazette RS no. 36/09) and the Decree on noise indicators, limits, methods for assessing indicators of noise, disturbance and harmful effects of noise in the environment (Official Gazette RS br75/10).

Authoritative noise level is determined through the measured equivalent levels and possible additions to the level depending on the type of the noise observed (highlighted tone, impulses or other acoustic information).

Measurements are performed at four measuring points in the surroundings of each plant, in two periods: winter and summer.


Control is done through a program of Control of ash and slag dump impact on soil and water of melioration channels.

Measurements are taken twice a year, once in the vegetation and once in a cold period.

The following is done:

1. Chemical analyses and mechanical characteristics of ash from the dumps and soil in the immediate vicinity (1-5km). The number of measuring points is 20.

2. Chemical analyses of water from melioration channels, at 6 measuring points.


Operator has a legal obligation to keep daily and annual records of the waste generated, temporarily stored and disposed or for sale. The records are made based on the documents submitted, the Minutes of waste generation. Visual controls of waste management are performed also.

Testing of waste is performed by authorized organizations for testing. In accordance with the Law on Waste Management and on the basis of physico-chemical analysis they issue a Report on the examination of waste required for the disposal of all waste that is presented as hazardous or potentially hazardous in the Waste Catalogue . Movement of hazardous waste is accompanied by a Document of hazardous waste movement and movement of non- hazardous waste is accompanied by a Document of waste movement, submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning.